Saturday, January 8, 2011

Here we are again.

I've never been a blogger before.  I've never even been much of a journal-keeper person but I decided to keep a record of my life for this year.

For those of you that don't know me (and even those that do) I'm Meredith.  Same old story, grew up in a small ass town, fell in love, felt the breath taking shatter of losing (more like me kicking him to the curb) that first love, and now here I am.  In Canyon, Texas.  Sitting on my couch with a Marlboro sparking in the ashtray and a headache the size of Alaska.

I don't really want to start out the "traditional" way of blogging by saying my general information and then leaving with a "I'll post things later, k BYE!!!" type thing cause that's just not "mah styleeeee."   HaHa.  You'll learn very quickly I'm a sarcastic one. But hey, it's all part of my charm.

I do believe that my blog will be about my life in general and my current feelings.  So to get a little deeper into the Pool deMeredith I shall start out with revealing something that most people on my Facebook already have gathered tidbits about.

Like I mentioned earlier, I've been burnt. Big whoopty do, what girl hasn't?  The reason I'm so awesome is because I grew from it.  I learned from it.  And, more importantly, I MOVED THE HELL ON from it.  I try so very hard not to live with regrets.  Regrets are just these big elephants that sit on your chest until you're gasping for air.  I was in a very serious relationship for four years, my highschool years.  Good God I was consumed.  When you're that young and vulnerable I highly recommend NOT falling in love.  But, then again, if I hadn't then I sure wouldn't know what I know now.

Moving on to the point:
After being in that succubus of a thing referred to as a relationship, I finally set standards for myself.  I have a saying about myself: "There's a wall of CHINA around my heart...and possibly my vagina."  Haha, yea I'm crude too. But here's my big whopping piece of advive for the evening...morning...time of day.  YOU have to set standards for YOURSELF and YOU cannot let any man/woman tell you otherwise.  If you're not "good enough" for them, they obviously have serious what I refer to as "daddy issues."  Remember, you are half of a whole.  HALF. not any less.  Never except less than what you KNOW you deserve.

I found that out the hard way.  I found that out in the longest, most painful, most bull shitty-est way possible.  And yet, here I am. Still standing. Still breathing. Still kickin ass and takin names. haha, not really. But you get the general idea.  I'm a stronger woman because some man screwed up.  So this is my advice ladies, make them bitches hate you.  Be a stronger woman because some douchebag was weak.  You're worth more than you can ever imagine.

Here I am being the ramblin (wo)man.

So I will leave you with this wonderful-ness and i hope I'm not spaztic enough to forget about it.

Peace, love, and jelly-rolls.



  1. Miss Meredith,
    I love you soooo much and I am so glad that you are a huge part of my life. I think you are incredible and VERY awesome. It is great being such a strong, confident, and BEAUTIFUL woman, that you can make others consume all their time thinking about you..... Just keep on moving and learning, you are doing GREAT!

  2. Hell yeah! I love it! You kicked ass....great blog, well written....I hope younger girls read it and retain half of are a strong woman and it is my pleasure to be a member of Miss Meredith's fan club lol
