Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Going down, and you can see it too.

Start slow dancing in a burning room.

Have you ever loved someone so much it makes your heart beat just a little faster?  This erractic, so far from static, frenzy of a rythym that drives you to the brink of insanity?  There's just something that's so inviting about that smile. That face. Those arms. The slow inhale/exhale of the chest that houses the most precious gift God ever gave you.

A heart.

I don't know what your beliefs are, but I know what mine are.  I believe that God gave us the most beneficial piece of human anatomy right in our core.  A heart is not just some beating organ that makes life sustainable.  The blood does not carry only oxygen and platelets to the other vital organs to keep our body's functional.  The heart is our house.  The place where we hide our deepest secrets, begging someone to tap into it and rip the band-aid off.  It is the dwelling for all emotions: Anger, fear, longing, love, happiness, sadness, devestation.  Our heart is something that is so easily stolen yet so hard to return to it's once pure, so perfect state.

Giving your heart to someone is like giving An alcoholic vodka.  A drug addict a needle.  Something so seemingly needed, but so incredibly destructible.  Then there are times it's like giving a desert rain.  A sad person a smile.  A bird its song.  Something so beautiful and beneficial.  There's never a guarantee that the sweetest thing will happen to the heart.  In fact, most times, it ends in a room set on fire.

We should always be careful who we love.  Everyone deserves to be loved, but not everyone is deserving of YOUR love.  Friends don't count in this...they deserve your love no matter what.  They are the only people who will love you regarless, who accept your flaws, who find you amazing and beautiful and so outstanding that giving your heart to them as easy as flicking a cigarette out of the window.

But then there are THOSE people
The people that hurt you...because they can.
That shatter your spirit.....to find meaning in themselves.
To batter and bruise your soul....because they find theirs more meaningful.

you'll never know who might stumble upon your life.  They come in on angels wings ready to sweep you off of your feet....then drop you like a pancake in the dirt.  When they drop you once, they're going to drop you again. Harder, faster, harder, faster until you feel like you're permanently stuck on the ground.

My mom told me the most amazing advice when I needed it:
When someone you love breaks your heart, a little bit of the love dies.  And you never get it back.

Be careful who you love.  But be even more careful who you fully give that precious gift to.

You're beautiful.

peace, love, and jelly-rolls.

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